Poems For Big Hearts and Blazing Souls

Words of love, sorrow and war.
To feed your fire and stir the soul.

A good Queen Knows when to fight.
To go into battle with every ounce of courage.
Every tooth, sword and nail.

A great Queen knows when to stop. Be still. Surrender.
When continuing to fight is futile.

She is the one who raises the white flag.
To that which wants to engulf her kingdom.

She allows the wave to come.
She retreats to the walls of her palace.

And she lives to fight another day.

Photo credit: Pinterest

I want my heart to melt.

To break down and spill over in torrid and sweet molten lava, that flows and cracks in unison.

I want to cry out openly in grief and be held.
To let the waves of sorrow carry me over the edge into the unknown abyss below…and be free to go there.

No hands grasping in consolation.

No voices intruding to prevent me from falling out of fear.

I welcome this.
This is what my heart needs…what it cries out for.

Allow me this, and you will see me grow and heal.

Allow me this, and you will see me Rise.

Image credit: Pinterest

As she stands upon the barren mountain, the trill of her vibrato sends waves across the Universe.
As a Siren that calls to a distant sailor, the seductive squillo draws many.

“What is her message?”, they ask. “What is it she wants us to know?”

They kneel before her.
Eyes of ice-blue steel permeates every veil. She sees…and doesn’t see.

Louder her voice becomes. It cuts through their very essence.

Hearts crack.
Minds break.

The dust settles. Serenity is found once more.

Image credit: Pinterest

When you are called to the cause, you embody that which is needed.

Not before.
Not after.
Only at the right time it was meant to be so.

So, my darling.
Questioning is futile.
Doubting is dishonouring of Self.

Image credit: Pinterest

As sunlight touches the waters edge, is is an invitation for her to bloom.

She is softness and suppleness.
She is strong, and she is wild.

Her kingdom is power and she rules with loving ferocity.

This is her domain.
None may enter here…but the Sun and the Moon.

Image credit: @freyamorgaine

Heed the call, oh patient one.
He of strength and deed, which carries across the world that which must be found.

It is but a tiny thing.

Such a thing shakes the foundations of the earth.
It is bright and beautiful and brittle.
It stands high on the mountain of fortitude for one to find.

Heed the call, oh broken one.
Your hollow parts are needed to receive.
Your darkness is what is needed for Love.

Image credit: Pinterest

It is the calm before the storm.
And I am the storm.

Where one may have one thought the torrent poured in from without.
Like that ringing steel of stillness.
Like life, after it has taken it’s last breath.

That essence resides within my core.
My being.

It is palpable.
It is potent.
It is powerful.

And it too, resides within you.

Image credit: Pinterest

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